How to Choose the Color of Grout Lines

How to Choose the Color of Grout Lines

A grout line – the space that separates tiles from one another – is crucial to the stability and durability of any tiling installation. It allows for the dilation of flooring and accommodates gradual changes due to natural settling caused by structural movement and atmospheric conditions.

However, the color of the grout used is an important factor in the overall design and aesthetic appeal of a tiled floor. While this will ultimately be a personal decision based on the unique project under discussion, we can offer some basic advice to help you make the right choice.


Tone on Tone

As grout does darken over time and is prone to attracting dirt and dust more readily than the tiles themselves choosing a grout color in a deeper, darker shade than the tile surrounding it is often a visually pleasing, practical solution preferred by many.

If the tile in use is made up of a number of different colors it is often best to pick out the predominant color and match that with a neutral grout shade that picks up on it. This will allow for a uniform looking installation that will blend better in general.

Avoid White

White grout is common and it is often the least expensive choice. However, no matter how efficient your cleaning routine is it will get dirtier and darker quicker than any other choice, especially in high traffic areas.

Pro Tip: When Selecting Grout for Wood Porcelain

Normally, the natural choice when selecting grout for tile is to match the grout color to the surface of the tile as closely as possible. However, in our experience, we’ve come to realize that when choosing a grout color for wood looks it’s best to select a darker color. To be exact, try to match the grout color to the darkest vein in the wood. Using this method allows the grout joint to become a “shadow” in between the planks which creates a more natural wood look. Of course, this may not be your personal preference, which is okay too.

Try Before You Buy

The number of different grout colors available is more extensive than most people imagine. To get the best results we recommend asking your Trinity Tile representative to provide you with samples of the various colors that can be placed next to your tile choices for a ‘real world’ preview of the possible end result.